Present Perfect Tense with Examples | Tenses in English Grammar


Present Perfect Tense: 

The present perfect tense is used to show that an action has just been completed in the present tense. There is always a connection with the past and with the present.

Present Perfect Tense with Examples

To form perfect present-tense sentences

First, take the subject and then use the auxiliary verb have/has as per the rules, Use has after the singular subject and have after the plural subject, then complete the rest of the sentence using the third form of the verb.

present perfect tense formula:

Subject + Have / Has + the third form of the verb + the rest of the sentence


I have called my friends.

He has asked me questions.


Affirmative Sentences:

I have worked.

You have worked.

She/ He / It has worked.

Negative Sentences:

I have not worked.

You have not worked.

She/ He / It has not worked.

Questions Sentences:

Have I worked?

Have you worked?

Has she/ He / It worked?


1) To indicate activities that have been completed in the recent past.

E.g. I have just finished my homework.

2) To Show an action that began in the past and is continuing up to the present movement

E.g. we have known each other for the past Twenty years.

3)   To show past actions, whose time is not given.

E.g. I have lived in the U.S.    

Example of Present Perfect Tense

I have just taken lunch.

He has just completed his work.

We have just seen him.

I have been here for twenty minutes.

He has worked in New York for a long time.

He has worked in New York since he left school.

I have invented this function.

Has she still not gone to the hospital?

We have not found it yet.

Venu and Parvati have invited all their friends to today’s party.

Shashi has not slept all night.

 Has he finished his work?

It has not been the same ever since you left.

They have bought a 2BHK flat.

You have come to the right place.

My friend has written a drama.

Rinita has eaten all the mangoes.

I have not watched the movie yet.

Have you ever been to Malaysia?

I have learned English.

I have been here since 9 o’clock.

John hasn’t called for six months.

John hasn’t called since February.

I have seen an alien.

He has lived in Bangkok.

Have you been there?

We have never eaten caviar.

Veena has not reached home yet.

All the children have finished their assignments.

Do you know why she has not liked it?

Have you heard about the new education policies?



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