
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is useful in increasing the number of visitors to a website. We will see the type of SEO.

Types of SEO

Types of SEO – There are two types of optimization

  • On-Page SEO : It includes Provision of good content, good keywords selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title to every page etc. On-Page SEO is concerned with information that is displayed to the end user, such as text, images and website navigation.

  • Off-Page SEO : It includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting open directories, search engines, link exchange etc. Off-Page SEO is concerned with
  • Website-Website relationship.
  • Do other websites refer to you,
  • do you refer to others?
  • How good is your network?

Fill in Blank

  1. ———— SEO is a balance between giving the right information to search engine without compromising the information that your customer are reading on the page.  Ans:  On page
  2. Changes are visible to users in ———- SEO. Ans: On-page
  3. ————SEO is about everything that doesn’t happen directly on your website.  Ans:  off-page
  4. Meta tag is especial to boost your ——-SEO. Ans: On-page.

True or false

  1. In On page SEO results are the visible to the readers. Ans: True
  2. OFF Page SEO is a balance between giving the right information to search engine without compromising the information that your customer are reading on the page. Ans: False


  1. SEO two mainly types are ……………….. and ………………….

Ans: On-Page SEO and Off Page SEO 


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